Before we end with our final post, Kim Anh Dinh and I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you for reading our posts about our mission trip to the Philippines, and for praying for us. On Thursday evening, December 15th, Kim Anh gave a 25 minute word of encouragement to the regional pastors of Faith Island Mission, during their weekly Prayer and Fasting Meeting. On Friday, December 16th, I preached my final message, for this mission trip, to the pastors and spouses of FIMI. Pastor Jason Sales said the word given was very timely, and everyone in attendance were encouraged. In addition, we handed out a hundred pounds of gifts and supplies, (clothes, shoes, medicine, toiletries, etc.), to the men and women who attended the Monthly Pastor’s Fellowship.
During this mission trip, Kim Anh and I had the honor and privilege of leading 370 people in the “sinner’s prayer.” We thank you, Jesus, for allowing us the opportunity to be your “hands and feet” in the Earth.
With love and respect, Rev. Lance & Kim Anh Missionaries-in-residence Daybreak Community Church
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